
Make a Real Difference in the Lives of Denver Youth

We know how special and generous it is to donate your hard earned money to help a cause. We have been in your position of donating to organizations with no transparency as to how our donated funds are being used or misused. 10Four is a true non-profit organization in that, we don’t make any profit or revenue. Our program is completely free and we are committed to keeping it that way. The only way to accomplish this is through donations like yours. Without the kindness of others, we couldn’t make a real difference in the lives of our Denver Youth. 10Four is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.

Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit

This is critically important for large donors. Colorado’s Child Care Contribution Tax Credit provides donors with a 50% state income tax credit for a contribution to a child care facility such as 10Four. The maximum credit per year is $100,000, but you may carry over any additional credits for 5 years. As an example, if you donated $1,000,000 to 10Four in 2024, the total tax credit you realize is $500,000. You could realize the following tax credits: 2024: $100,000 tax credit, 2025: $100,000, 2026: $100,000 tax credit, 2026: $100,000 tax credit, 2027: $100,000 tax credit.

Please consult your tax advisor for professional advice. You can read through the details Colorado’s Child Care Contribution Tax Credit by clicking here.

How Donations Are Utilized

We are a lean team that values and utilizes every dollar donated. We will never abuse that privilege and always provide budget transparency. Our yearly projected budget is below. We are continuously writing grants to fund new programs and keep our center free.

Operating Expenses: $135,030
Programming Expenses: $162,200
Marketing & Admin: $15,000

Total: $311,230

990 Forms

You can find our 990 tax forms below for review.

2022: 990 

2023: 990

2024: 990